Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shout Outs

I spent so much time talking about Colin, I thought I should probably say how proud of Blake we are as well! Mr. Blake has been doing so well at potty training lately! I'll spare people the details and just say he's making it easier than I had anticipated. Here's Blake with one of his rewards for using the toilet-a Reese's PB Cup egg. Keep up the good work, Blake!

Also, I wanted to publicly thank Mary Bartlett and Amy Rambow for all of their hard work on Amy Riley's baby shower. I thought it turned out amazing! I was less than helpful since I wasn't feeling well, but they took the reins and did a great job. Thanks, girls!


Amy said...

You guys all did a great job! Thanks for making me feel so special that day. :-)

Grace said...

oh stop it.