Monday, February 2, 2009

Bathroom Break

Disclaimer: This post is could be considered a bit TMI, so if you don't want to hear about toilet stuff-don't read it.

Today I visited Heather. We had a nice time chatting while our kids played and bossed each other around. Towards the end of our visit we discussed our childrens' inconvieniant #2 breaks. It always seems to be somewhere public, or for me, when you're helping someone move and your younger cousin "breaks in" the new homeowners toilet. Today I had another instance.

Just after visiting Heather, I went on one of my "three-times-a-year" visits to Wal-Mart. I hate going there, but I had to today. Just after seeing a former co-worker with her two-year-old daughter and some-odd-month-old twin boys, I finished paying for my one item in electronics. Right then, Colin states, "Mom. I have to poop." Of course he does. I take him to the restrooms where he decides he wants to try going to the men's room alone. I agree feeling proud of his independence.

Three drinks of water from the fountain (Blake), two yells into the restroom, and twenty five minutes later, I can't take it anymore. What is taking SO long?! I see my friend down the isle so I call to her desperate for help. I ask her to stand watch by the door so I can go in. An employee hears my planning and sends in a stranger to "help"! What stranger is going to wipe my nearly six-year-olds bum?! And, on top of that, Colin isn't going to accept help from any stranger! He goes in, comes out twenty seconds later and says, "I think I scared him." NO DUH!

I barge in and find the stall Colin is in. Nothing was really wrong, he was just taking his time. I helped him finish up buttoning and zipping everything, then we wash our hands together. Then I watched my friends twins as she took her daughter to the restroom.

Heavenly Father sure knows when to send us friends, doesn't he?!

Note to self: Always take Colin into the restroom accompanied by an adult.


Land Family said...

Totally feel you on #2 timing. Somehow mine always have to go during a meal. That would be fine if it didn't always take 20 minutes to go and now I have to wipe your bottom in the middle of my meal.

monika said...

This cracked me up. THe life of a Mom. Jack told me he had to poop the other day while we were out in nature on a walk. I said, "Hold it, babe. It will go away in a minute" And he did. It was amazing.