Sunday, May 3, 2009

Catch up!

Wow! Where did April go? We were so busy all month, and it doesn't show any sign of slowing down for May. Some highlights:

Going to visit two of my bestest friends in Phoenix. It was great to see Janae, Karley and their families!

Colin's 6th birthday. Wow. Not my little boy anymore. :(

Driving to Reno with a car full of family to see my youngest SIL play at her senior softball games and getting to see the WHOLE Silagyi family. (and the news that our next family vacation is in Cape Cod, June 2010!)

Colin getting creative with food. He'll tell you that a Cheeto between two BBQ baked Lays is delicious!

Finding out my last day of work is May 28th (YES!), and that the new hire that's replacing me is pregnant. (My boss illegally asked her if she's planning on having more children during her interview a month can imagine her reaction when the girl started the job and announced her pregnancy one week later.)

Ron having 16 days off. A record length vacation for him during his seven years at Disney.

Amy Riley had her baby!

Coming up in May:

Mother's Day.

My birthday! (not too thrilled about 26 for some reason)

Minnie's Moonlit Madness with the Hartmans. We WILL dominate.

My last day of work.

Disneyland with my kids at some point. Can you believe we haven't been since mid-February? That's a record for us!

Other things I can't remember at this moment...guess I should look at my calendar.

Pictures to come eventually.


Amy said...

I feel special I got mentioned in your post. :-) However, I'm bitter that I don't get to be part of Moonlit Madness this year. Try not to have too much fun without me.

Grace said...

I need to know what this Moonlit Madness talk is about...I love that the new girl is pregnant...hilarious. Those are some great highlights! Thanks so much for coming over the other day...its just what i needed!