Bummer. We had a nice long talk, did his homework, and then he got to write an apology letter to his teacher. Hopefully this won't happen again.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunny Days and Tuesdays
The first few days of first grade were great! This week, however, has been a struggle. Colin seems to be having a difficult time transitioning to a longer day with a new teacher and new class. I was excited to have him get home, then I opened his backpack and got this:
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
First Days and Birthday
Today was Colin's first day of first grade! I know what you're thinking....."already?!" Crazy, right?! What ever happened to going back to school after Labor Day? They can't be mad when he misses a couple days of school the second full week due to a quick vacation! That's all I'm sayin'. Anyhoo-he woke up totally excited and really enjoyed his day. It was really strange having him leave at seven and not get home until almost three. That's almost like a full-time job! 

Today was also Blake's third birthday. I can't believe it. Three years already. (I also can't believe I was ready to have another child when Colin was this age! I was pregnant with Blake when Colin turned three.) We had Blake's party on Saturday and it was a blast! He had a Toy Story bounce house, a sno-cone machine, a nice pool to enjoy, and a delicious BBQed meal cooked up by Dad. Thanks to all that joined us. He really had a great time.
Tonight we had a special family spaghetti dinner (his fav) with a giant chocolate chip cookie cake thanks to Nana.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dear Disney...
I'm not sure if you realize this, but my husband is there a lot lately. At least it seems like he is. He's still training, so that means I don't get to hear from him ALL DAY. I'm not used to that, and I don't like it. Please realize he has a family that would like him to be home. In fact, if you could pay him to be home more often than not, that would be great! We would promise to visit often.
The Wife
The Wife
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Night at the Pacific Symphony
Right now I am taking an online class from Citrus so I can transfer to finish my Ph.D. Okay...maybe not. But seriously folks, I've been in school LONG enough to get my Ph.D, so I feel I should automatically get one.
Anyhoo-I'm taking Music Appreciation. If you know nothing about music, don't take it. You'll be SO lost. Luckily, I know SOMETHING about music.
One of my assignments is to attend a performance by an orchestra and then write this whole essay on it. I talked Ron into going with me, and we actually really enjoyed ourselves. It was the Pacific Symphony Orchestra and they played at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre in Irvine. The weather was beautiful, and we were allowed to bring a picnic-which we did. The theme was Rodgers and Hammerstein, so they played music from their original scores and played the movie scenes above-pretty cool, right?
During intermission, we entertained ourselves by taking pictures. Of ourselves. We don't have many of just the two of us, so we took some.
Anyhoo-I'm taking Music Appreciation. If you know nothing about music, don't take it. You'll be SO lost. Luckily, I know SOMETHING about music.
One of my assignments is to attend a performance by an orchestra and then write this whole essay on it. I talked Ron into going with me, and we actually really enjoyed ourselves. It was the Pacific Symphony Orchestra and they played at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre in Irvine. The weather was beautiful, and we were allowed to bring a picnic-which we did. The theme was Rodgers and Hammerstein, so they played music from their original scores and played the movie scenes above-pretty cool, right?
During intermission, we entertained ourselves by taking pictures. Of ourselves. We don't have many of just the two of us, so we took some.
He always makes me laugh
Apparently it was boys who like boys night, and they were all drinking wine and eating caviar. I thought our drinks made a perfect couple. Ron thought I was dumb for taking a picture of them. I think they look photogenic.
So that was our night. Music, making fun of the lady that kept trying to start a fire on the grass (don't ask...I really don't know), pictures, and wine-os. Good times. I'm going to go see the same symphony at the OC Fair play all DISNEY music! YES! You know you wanna go!
♪ A Whole Neeeew Wooooorld♪
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Summer Update...
You would think with being unemployed, I would have plenty of time to blog. But I don't. I think I've found things to keep myself busy to keep my mind off of not working. It really has taken some getting used to, but I'm enjoying the time with my little guys. Although I do love writing you all a nice novel from time to time, I will try to be better about posting a little more often.
Family and Fun
My Grandma came for her annual summer visit. I always look forward to it, and I'm always so sad when she leaves. She's so much more than a Grandma to me, and I really miss her when she's away! My cousin, Wes, came for a visit as well. Colin and Blake just LOVE Wes! He's nine, so everything he does is cool to them. We went to D-land, Knott's Berry Farm, and did all sorts of fun things together. Colin also finished T-ball and had fun at closing ceremonies with his friend, Jacob Armstrong (another older, cool kid).
4th of July
We had a last-minute get together at Ron's parents. Apparently a petition went around and we were voted as the party site for this year. I was so excited! "If you throw it, they will come." We had a great turn-out, only a few injuries, no drowings, and lots of food and swimming. Thanks for joining us everyone!
The Boys
Colin is really working on swimming this summer. We now have instant access to a pool and have been going 3-5 times a week. Today he actually swam under water quite a distance. As long as he has a mask on, he does great! However, he wants to cover his ears in a funny way (see below). Keep up the great work, buddy!
Does your child know how to give himself a hickey? Apparently mine does.
Blake is constantly hurting himself but acting as if it doesn't phase him. The first injury was his head bouncing off of the cement. No tears shed. The next day he hit the same spot again. Let's just say the scab didn't last long. Yuck! He's gone under in the pool a couple of times (with us next to him!), however, like before, no tears. He scares me with his lack of fear. He often tattles on himself as well. "Mom. Blake hit the dog.Now that Blake talks more, he and Colin have become better friends (and sometimes worse enemies), so it's fun to watch their little relationship grow.
Our Anniversary
Our wedding anniversary is in a couple of days. It will be four years of marriage, then next month we celebrate seven years of the start of it all. My how time has flown. I can't imagine being with anyone other than my best friend. He's an amazing dad, an extremely hard worker, and a thoughtful husband. Love you, Babe!
We will be going to the Melting Pot for dinner, then heading out to a movie (probably Harry Potter...I just can't wait!). On Saturday, we're going to see the Pacific Orchestra play in Irvine. It's Rodgers and Hammerstein night! (That's actually for my Music Appreciation class and Ron got roped into going to with me.) We are also going to go whale watching with the boys somewhere in between all of that.
I made Ron a little something intending on surprising him at work, but since he'll be training for his new position tomorrow, he will be in a secret location somewhere in the resort. Oh well...I tried. He'll be surprised at breakfast I guess.
So far it's been a great summer! We still have more to look forward to, and I can't wait! Crazy Kymmie (Ron's yougest sister) is coming home from playing softball in Germany and traveling all over Europe. Katie (sister just above Ron), is coming for a visit with cousin Addie and we can't wait!
The boys' Auntie Kymmie just before leaving for Germany. She's short.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Change is good?
We've been dying to buy a house, and just when we felt we were ready, I stopped working. One income for us=no loan. :( I was told I have to go back to work if I want a house. Harsh reality.
The following week, two of Ron's fellow "cast members" ended up getting fired from their jobs as Front Desk Managers at the Disneyland Hotel. We were crossing our fingers that it would mean a promotion and transfer for Ron. On Tuesday, Ron gets an appointment request from the Hotel Manager for a meeting with her. He goes in and gets told he's being transfered to the now open Front Desk position. Woo hoo!
Next he's told that it's not a promotion but a lateral move. This also means no raise in salary. Then he's told that they won't have his replacement until August, so he'll be working his normal job while training for his new job.
Earlier this year it was demanded of him to take MOST of his 10 weeks worth of vacation time THIS year. I know...."OK!" We had a vacation planned in April that almost got taken away because of work conflicts. Now we are planning a long road trip to my home town in Washington State for the first two weeks in August. (I haven't been home in over SIX YEARS!)
Today he was told that his August vacation is now a no-go because he'll be training (I'm not driving by myself and flying isn't cheap!). He's also not allowed to take vacation time in June or July, November or December because it's so busy. I know the experience is great for Ron, but I can't help but feel sorry for us/myself. No house, no vacation, no pay raise, and possibly going back to work. Ron is definitely being a trooper and finding the positive in all of this.
I love that guy.
The following week, two of Ron's fellow "cast members" ended up getting fired from their jobs as Front Desk Managers at the Disneyland Hotel. We were crossing our fingers that it would mean a promotion and transfer for Ron. On Tuesday, Ron gets an appointment request from the Hotel Manager for a meeting with her. He goes in and gets told he's being transfered to the now open Front Desk position. Woo hoo!
Next he's told that it's not a promotion but a lateral move. This also means no raise in salary. Then he's told that they won't have his replacement until August, so he'll be working his normal job while training for his new job.
Earlier this year it was demanded of him to take MOST of his 10 weeks worth of vacation time THIS year. I know...."OK!" We had a vacation planned in April that almost got taken away because of work conflicts. Now we are planning a long road trip to my home town in Washington State for the first two weeks in August. (I haven't been home in over SIX YEARS!)
Today he was told that his August vacation is now a no-go because he'll be training (I'm not driving by myself and flying isn't cheap!). He's also not allowed to take vacation time in June or July, November or December because it's so busy. I know the experience is great for Ron, but I can't help but feel sorry for us/myself. No house, no vacation, no pay raise, and possibly going back to work. Ron is definitely being a trooper and finding the positive in all of this.
I love that guy.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Some advice...
One evening I was sitting on a bench in CA Adventure holding a spot for my family to watch the Electric Light Parade. Next to me was a man from Philly that LOVED to talk. I inquired about his occupation. He said he had been an appliance repairman for 30 years. Since we've been looking into buying a home, I figured he would be a good person to ask about a good brand of appliances to purchase. So I did.
His face lit up and you could tell this man loved his job. I figured since most of our friends are buying homes, this would be good advice to pass along. Here's what he said:
Whirlpool is the best. Next is GE. You're wasting your money on Maytag, LG, Fridgidair, or Electrolux (a fancy Fridgidair). He didn't mention Kenmore, but that's probably because it's not on the top of his list. Basically all he kept saying was, "Whirlpool or GE. Hands down."
So there you have it. Some sound advice from someone who knows what they are talking about and wasn't making commission off of it. Ü
P.S. Is it weird to anyone else that quite a few famous people died so close together? Michael J., Farrah, Ed McMahon (whom never delivered my giant check, by the way), and Billy Mays. Whew! Slow your roll people!
His face lit up and you could tell this man loved his job. I figured since most of our friends are buying homes, this would be good advice to pass along. Here's what he said:
Whirlpool is the best. Next is GE. You're wasting your money on Maytag, LG, Fridgidair, or Electrolux (a fancy Fridgidair). He didn't mention Kenmore, but that's probably because it's not on the top of his list. Basically all he kept saying was, "Whirlpool or GE. Hands down."
So there you have it. Some sound advice from someone who knows what they are talking about and wasn't making commission off of it. Ü
P.S. Is it weird to anyone else that quite a few famous people died so close together? Michael J., Farrah, Ed McMahon (whom never delivered my giant check, by the way), and Billy Mays. Whew! Slow your roll people!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Eye Can't Believe It!
This morning Colin was sitting in front of the T.V when I saw him stand up and start shaking his head in a funny way. There was a lot going on around me, so I half ignored it. As it continued, he said, "My ear! It's stuck!" Now he has our attention.
That's right-a googly eye! Just one, thank goodness. Oh the creative things kids can do. I do believe we've once pulled a crayon out of his nose as well. I'm just happy both were easily removed.
Ron calls him over and Colin walks over with his finger in his ear. He takes a look and can only tell that something is in there, but not what it is. I hunt down the good ole' tweezers and Ron starts to operate.
For some reason, Colin had put this inside of his ear: 

Monday, June 1, 2009
Colin tends to hear words differently from time to time. For example, olives are all-lips.
Blake makes up his own words that associate with something else. For example, "Charlie" is chocolate milk. He confuses the edible part with the person in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Here's a moment where confusion caused chaos.
Blake often times just wants "Charlie" as an appetizer, and then will decide what he wants to eat. The other night I was explaining that I wanted him to go and get something to eat with me first. He wasn't interested, so Colin tried helping out.
"Blake! Do you want hot dogs or donuts? We get chicken and french fries there!"
It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about. Then I realized that "donuts" was "McDonalds". Of course now Blake is crying for actual donuts for dinner. I told Colin, "....it's McDONALDS, Buddy." A few seconds goes by....
Colin says, "Oh. Okay.......Blake! Do you want McDONUTS?"
Thanks for the help, Colin. I know your intentions were good.
Blake makes up his own words that associate with something else. For example, "Charlie" is chocolate milk. He confuses the edible part with the person in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Here's a moment where confusion caused chaos.
Blake often times just wants "Charlie" as an appetizer, and then will decide what he wants to eat. The other night I was explaining that I wanted him to go and get something to eat with me first. He wasn't interested, so Colin tried helping out.
"Blake! Do you want hot dogs or donuts? We get chicken and french fries there!"
It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about. Then I realized that "donuts" was "McDonalds". Of course now Blake is crying for actual donuts for dinner. I told Colin, "....it's McDONALDS, Buddy." A few seconds goes by....
Colin says, "Oh. Okay.......Blake! Do you want McDONUTS?"
Thanks for the help, Colin. I know your intentions were good.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lots of fun!
Last week was my 26th birthday and it was Mother's Day. I must say, Ron was amazing and made each day special. For Mother's Day I woke up to a delicious Toblerone chocolate bar next to me along with a flowers, candy, and cards from the boys. He had also picked out and ironed the boys' clothing for church (he had to work), and the boys were even good for me during church! Once he was home, I didn't have to lift a finger. I even took a nap. The perfect day! Colin had a Mother's Day Tea at school. I wore a hat he had made, enjoyed all sorts of gifts from him, and got to listen to a few songs by his class. I loved it!
This weekend we went to The Aquarium of the Pacific with some friends. We really had a great time and walked around outside after we were finished.
As you can see, my kid is almost freakishly tall compred to his classmates.
For my birthday I woke up next to a hoodie I had been wanting. I had to work, but work bought me a dozen roses and an ice cream cake. Then Ron took me to lunch at the Olive Garden and I got my second gift-ballroom dancing lessons with him! How fun is that?! I also got the Gilmore Girls 7th season on DVD. YES! Work let me leave a couple of hours early, and then I had a Primary meeting so the Primary Presidency took me out to dinner as well.
The boys and I went to Disneyland on Monday. Then my in-laws took Ron and I to the Angel's game against Boston on Tuesday, and then I was given a membership to D23 (a Disney fan club type thing) for the year, and my MIL is taking me to the HUGE Disney convention in September. Whew! A great week!
For my birthday I woke up next to a hoodie I had been wanting. I had to work, but work bought me a dozen roses and an ice cream cake. Then Ron took me to lunch at the Olive Garden and I got my second gift-ballroom dancing lessons with him! How fun is that?! I also got the Gilmore Girls 7th season on DVD. YES! Work let me leave a couple of hours early, and then I had a Primary meeting so the Primary Presidency took me out to dinner as well.
The boys and I went to Disneyland on Monday. Then my in-laws took Ron and I to the Angel's game against Boston on Tuesday, and then I was given a membership to D23 (a Disney fan club type thing) for the year, and my MIL is taking me to the HUGE Disney convention in September. Whew! A great week!
This weekend we went to The Aquarium of the Pacific with some friends. We really had a great time and walked around outside after we were finished.
The Nemo and Dory tank. The kids' favorite.
Colin and Cody high-fiving the scuba diver.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Here's a riddle:
What is black and white and red all over?
My car registration.
The black and white is the paper I opened telling me the amount is WELL over what I paid last year, and the red is my face because I was so angry!
I was pretty sure the whole idea was that as your car gets older, you pay less for your registration. I guess I was wrong. Now that I'm close to being jobless, money is a big concern. I just don't get how the economy is being helped by charging us MORE for silly things when we have LESS. I do, but I don't.
Lemme put it this way: 2005 Honda Pilot registration=OVER $300 for registration. YIKES. Glad I don't drive one of those "luxury" vehicles.
Did you know? In Washington state your car registration is a flat $30 no matter what year, make, or model your car is? My CA registration is ten years worth of WA registrations.
What is black and white and red all over?
My car registration.
The black and white is the paper I opened telling me the amount is WELL over what I paid last year, and the red is my face because I was so angry!
I was pretty sure the whole idea was that as your car gets older, you pay less for your registration. I guess I was wrong. Now that I'm close to being jobless, money is a big concern. I just don't get how the economy is being helped by charging us MORE for silly things when we have LESS. I do, but I don't.
Lemme put it this way: 2005 Honda Pilot registration=OVER $300 for registration. YIKES. Glad I don't drive one of those "luxury" vehicles.
Did you know? In Washington state your car registration is a flat $30 no matter what year, make, or model your car is? My CA registration is ten years worth of WA registrations.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Minnie's Moonlit Madness!
I forgot that I had an exciting story to post as well!
Every year Disney does a fun fundraiser with it's "cast members". You gather a team of four people (one has to be an employee), go to the park after it's closed just for this event, answer 50 trivia questions, and then to a scavenger hunt throughout the park with ten questions while tied together through your belt loops. Last year Ron and I were on a team with Kyle Hartman and Amy Riley. We had chosen to do 5 hard clues and 5 easy. We BARELY finished. We had felt pretty good that our answers were right. The next day Ron checked our placement. 254 out of 400. Not so good.
This year we couldn't take Amy Riley since the day of the event just happened to be her due date. Taryn graciously took Amy's spot. Our strategy was to try 8 hard clues and 2 easy ones. There's a different theme to the competition each year. Last year didn't seem very focused on the theme, so I didn't bother to study for this year's theme which was "Funkadelic". Unfortunately, EVERY question revolved around the 1970's, and unfortunately, that was before I was born. I'm not going to lie...I wasn't much help. None of us knew too much about the 70's.
We did well (with the exception of me being stupid and wearing flip flops-I learned my lesson after my 12 flat tires from Taryn and Ron Ü). We finished 30 minutes early but it once again felt like we were correct on all of our answers.
While at work the following day, I called Ron. He suddenly said, "54". Then he clairfied that we placed 54th out of 400 teams! Even then we were only 300 points behind the first place team. GREAT JOB TEAM! Next year is our year...I just know it!
Every year Disney does a fun fundraiser with it's "cast members". You gather a team of four people (one has to be an employee), go to the park after it's closed just for this event, answer 50 trivia questions, and then to a scavenger hunt throughout the park with ten questions while tied together through your belt loops. Last year Ron and I were on a team with Kyle Hartman and Amy Riley. We had chosen to do 5 hard clues and 5 easy. We BARELY finished. We had felt pretty good that our answers were right. The next day Ron checked our placement. 254 out of 400. Not so good.
This year we couldn't take Amy Riley since the day of the event just happened to be her due date. Taryn graciously took Amy's spot. Our strategy was to try 8 hard clues and 2 easy ones. There's a different theme to the competition each year. Last year didn't seem very focused on the theme, so I didn't bother to study for this year's theme which was "Funkadelic". Unfortunately, EVERY question revolved around the 1970's, and unfortunately, that was before I was born. I'm not going to lie...I wasn't much help. None of us knew too much about the 70's.
We did well (with the exception of me being stupid and wearing flip flops-I learned my lesson after my 12 flat tires from Taryn and Ron Ü). We finished 30 minutes early but it once again felt like we were correct on all of our answers.
While at work the following day, I called Ron. He suddenly said, "54". Then he clairfied that we placed 54th out of 400 teams! Even then we were only 300 points behind the first place team. GREAT JOB TEAM! Next year is our year...I just know it!
Dr. Jackie
I'm sure every single one of my friends has heard me mention Jackie. She and I went to Dental Assisting school together and now she's entering her third year in dental school at USC. Dr. Valdez coined the name "Dr. Jackie" when he met her at a dental convention at the time she had just been accepted to every dental school she had applied to. She's amazing. I feel like a proud mom every time I mention her. She was married last May-I had blogged about her wedding in Tahoe. It was beautiful! Now she's expecting her first baby WHILE going to dental school-WOW!
Dr. Jackie had a terrible day the other day. While she was telling me her story I felt overwhelmed for her! I just have to share it because I'm surprised she's still pregnant (she's due the end of this month). It went something like this:
Dr. J goes to school, has a Spanish speaking patient who is claiming her upper right canine is in so much pain that her eyeballs hurt. Jackie already knows she's likely going to be REALLY dramatic and is starting to worry it's going to be a difficult procedure.
She reviews the patient's health history. The patient denies having any dental axiety, heart problems, or asthma. She takes her vitals-everything is low and where it should be. The procedure starts and out comes the needle.
Patient looses control and starts pretending to have a seizure. She's grabbing at her throat like she can't breathe and and going crazy. Then grabs an inhailer from her purse (HEY! I thought she denied having asthma)! Dr. J forgets her Spanish at that moment and grabs someone that speaks it to talk to this woman. They have to call for the emergency team on the campus. Some of the top dentists and surgeons respond. Luckily Dr. J did everything she was supposed to and can answer their questions. They conclude the woman had a panic attack and clear Dr. J to finish/start the procedure. The receptionist tells Jackie, "Wow. I've only seen something like this five times in my twenty years here! That's probably why that lady was turned away from three other offices before coming here." Thanks...
Now she has missed her train. She needs to wait another hour for the next and really has to pee. She reluctantly goes into the station's restroom and while waiting in line to wash her hands, there is a woman at the sink with a cat on her shoulder. The cat is continously meowing and the woman is talking to herself. Next the woman is taking handfulls of water and throwing them onto Dr. J and the other woman in the restroom. They run out and Jackie lets the station manager know about the 5150 she had just encountered.
Jackie decides to try another route home rather than waiting for an hour. She gets off on the wrong bus stop and is now lost. It's night time and she's somewhere near Azusa (she lives in Glendora). She calls her husband and asks him to come and find her while she tries walking towards home. Her husband tells her to stay put and he will call her when he's getting closer. She forgets her phone is still on vibrate and he calls her eight times and is probably now panicing that his eight-month-pregnant wife isn't answering. She picks up her phone and sees he's been trying to call. She calls him back and he freaks out. She cries. He finds her and she goes to bed...still pregnant SOMEHOW.
My bad day was nothing compared to this. I regret ever feeling sorry for myself! Hang in there Jackie! You can do it!
Dr. Jackie had a terrible day the other day. While she was telling me her story I felt overwhelmed for her! I just have to share it because I'm surprised she's still pregnant (she's due the end of this month). It went something like this:
Dr. J goes to school, has a Spanish speaking patient who is claiming her upper right canine is in so much pain that her eyeballs hurt. Jackie already knows she's likely going to be REALLY dramatic and is starting to worry it's going to be a difficult procedure.
She reviews the patient's health history. The patient denies having any dental axiety, heart problems, or asthma. She takes her vitals-everything is low and where it should be. The procedure starts and out comes the needle.
Patient looses control and starts pretending to have a seizure. She's grabbing at her throat like she can't breathe and and going crazy. Then grabs an inhailer from her purse (HEY! I thought she denied having asthma)! Dr. J forgets her Spanish at that moment and grabs someone that speaks it to talk to this woman. They have to call for the emergency team on the campus. Some of the top dentists and surgeons respond. Luckily Dr. J did everything she was supposed to and can answer their questions. They conclude the woman had a panic attack and clear Dr. J to finish/start the procedure. The receptionist tells Jackie, "Wow. I've only seen something like this five times in my twenty years here! That's probably why that lady was turned away from three other offices before coming here." Thanks...
Now she has missed her train. She needs to wait another hour for the next and really has to pee. She reluctantly goes into the station's restroom and while waiting in line to wash her hands, there is a woman at the sink with a cat on her shoulder. The cat is continously meowing and the woman is talking to herself. Next the woman is taking handfulls of water and throwing them onto Dr. J and the other woman in the restroom. They run out and Jackie lets the station manager know about the 5150 she had just encountered.
Jackie decides to try another route home rather than waiting for an hour. She gets off on the wrong bus stop and is now lost. It's night time and she's somewhere near Azusa (she lives in Glendora). She calls her husband and asks him to come and find her while she tries walking towards home. Her husband tells her to stay put and he will call her when he's getting closer. She forgets her phone is still on vibrate and he calls her eight times and is probably now panicing that his eight-month-pregnant wife isn't answering. She picks up her phone and sees he's been trying to call. She calls him back and he freaks out. She cries. He finds her and she goes to bed...still pregnant SOMEHOW.
My bad day was nothing compared to this. I regret ever feeling sorry for myself! Hang in there Jackie! You can do it!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Catch up!
Wow! Where did April go? We were so busy all month, and it doesn't show any sign of slowing down for May. Some highlights:
Going to visit two of my bestest friends in Phoenix. It was great to see Janae, Karley and their families!
Colin's 6th birthday. Wow. Not my little boy anymore. :(
Driving to Reno with a car full of family to see my youngest SIL play at her senior softball games and getting to see the WHOLE Silagyi family. (and the news that our next family vacation is in Cape Cod, June 2010!)
Colin getting creative with food. He'll tell you that a Cheeto between two BBQ baked Lays is delicious!
Finding out my last day of work is May 28th (YES!), and that the new hire that's replacing me is pregnant. (My boss illegally asked her if she's planning on having more children during her interview a month ago....you can imagine her reaction when the girl started the job and announced her pregnancy one week later.)
Ron having 16 days off. A record length vacation for him during his seven years at Disney.
Amy Riley had her baby!
Coming up in May:
Mother's Day.
My birthday! (not too thrilled about 26 for some reason)
Minnie's Moonlit Madness with the Hartmans. We WILL dominate.
My last day of work.
Disneyland with my kids at some point. Can you believe we haven't been since mid-February? That's a record for us!
Other things I can't remember at this moment...guess I should look at my calendar.
Pictures to come eventually.
Going to visit two of my bestest friends in Phoenix. It was great to see Janae, Karley and their families!
Colin's 6th birthday. Wow. Not my little boy anymore. :(
Driving to Reno with a car full of family to see my youngest SIL play at her senior softball games and getting to see the WHOLE Silagyi family. (and the news that our next family vacation is in Cape Cod, June 2010!)
Colin getting creative with food. He'll tell you that a Cheeto between two BBQ baked Lays is delicious!
Finding out my last day of work is May 28th (YES!), and that the new hire that's replacing me is pregnant. (My boss illegally asked her if she's planning on having more children during her interview a month ago....you can imagine her reaction when the girl started the job and announced her pregnancy one week later.)
Ron having 16 days off. A record length vacation for him during his seven years at Disney.
Amy Riley had her baby!
Coming up in May:
Mother's Day.
My birthday! (not too thrilled about 26 for some reason)
Minnie's Moonlit Madness with the Hartmans. We WILL dominate.
My last day of work.
Disneyland with my kids at some point. Can you believe we haven't been since mid-February? That's a record for us!
Other things I can't remember at this moment...guess I should look at my calendar.
Pictures to come eventually.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Say What?!
Every now and then I reflect back on my day-especially if it's one of my days off from work and I've been able to spend a lot of time with my boys. If I think of a certain moment from that day, I remember phrases I've said and it just makes me laugh. Not that I'm funny-just that I'm responding to what my kids are doing. Here are a some recent ones:
"Blake, please don't lick the dog."
"Blake, we don't take our clothes off unless we're at our house."
"Colin, please stop hooting like an owl in Primary."
"Blake, please don't touch Dolly's ninnies." (Dolly is a dog)
I've also recently learned that Blake is a "kisser". A friend watched him the other day and her little girl that just turned two told her, "Mommy, he kissed my wips!" Then the mother caught him trying to do it again. Who taught him this?!
"Blake, please don't lick the dog."
"Blake, we don't take our clothes off unless we're at our house."
"Colin, please stop hooting like an owl in Primary."
"Blake, please don't touch Dolly's ninnies." (Dolly is a dog)
I've also recently learned that Blake is a "kisser". A friend watched him the other day and her little girl that just turned two told her, "Mommy, he kissed my wips!" Then the mother caught him trying to do it again. Who taught him this?!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What bad economy?
Ron and I have been feeling quite good about our finances since moving in with his parents. Things have been running smoothly and we've been looking forward to buying a house the end of this year. I must say the bad economy I've heard all about hadn't affected us....yet.
This past month we've been whistling a different tune. Instead of feeling bad for those losing their jobs, we're jumping in the unemployment line with them! Ron was called into a large conference room the other day at work. He noticied his fellow managers amongst him. The doors were all closed, and the head haunchos stood before him. Many, many people were laid off. But not Ron.
He was told of a promotion around this time of year and a hefty raise not long ago. Once we were frustrated of the false promise, and now we're greatful he's even getting paid! Restaurants in the resort are closing their doors, and people shifted from department to department. Ron gets to stay where he's at, and still gets a raise, just not a large one.
Unfortunately, my job is no longer an option. I was told I have to go full-time in June, or not work at all. As much as I love making money, I'm not willing to take on more work and spend less time with my boys. I'm sad at the prospect of not doing a job I enjoy and worked so hard to get, but looking forward to more focused family time. It's bittersweet. We're very lucky to be where we are at this time.
I'm contemplating more school or another part-time job just to get us into a home. For those of you in similar situations, we're right beside you! I know we will be blessed with new opportunities.
This past month we've been whistling a different tune. Instead of feeling bad for those losing their jobs, we're jumping in the unemployment line with them! Ron was called into a large conference room the other day at work. He noticied his fellow managers amongst him. The doors were all closed, and the head haunchos stood before him. Many, many people were laid off. But not Ron.
He was told of a promotion around this time of year and a hefty raise not long ago. Once we were frustrated of the false promise, and now we're greatful he's even getting paid! Restaurants in the resort are closing their doors, and people shifted from department to department. Ron gets to stay where he's at, and still gets a raise, just not a large one.
Unfortunately, my job is no longer an option. I was told I have to go full-time in June, or not work at all. As much as I love making money, I'm not willing to take on more work and spend less time with my boys. I'm sad at the prospect of not doing a job I enjoy and worked so hard to get, but looking forward to more focused family time. It's bittersweet. We're very lucky to be where we are at this time.
I'm contemplating more school or another part-time job just to get us into a home. For those of you in similar situations, we're right beside you! I know we will be blessed with new opportunities.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Shout Outs
I spent so much time talking about Colin, I thought I should probably say how proud of Blake we are as well! Mr. Blake has been doing so well at potty training lately! I'll spare people the details and just say he's making it easier than I had anticipated. Here's Blake with one of his rewards for using the toilet-a Reese's PB Cup egg. Keep up the good work, Blake!

Also, I wanted to publicly thank Mary Bartlett and Amy Rambow for all of their hard work on Amy Riley's baby shower. I thought it turned out amazing! I was less than helpful since I wasn't feeling well, but they took the reins and did a great job. Thanks, girls!
Also, I wanted to publicly thank Mary Bartlett and Amy Rambow for all of their hard work on Amy Riley's baby shower. I thought it turned out amazing! I was less than helpful since I wasn't feeling well, but they took the reins and did a great job. Thanks, girls!
Proud Moments
While I was spending a lot of time looking into a toilet bowl for the last four days, Colin has had a couple of really great days.
First was his parent-teacher conference. His teacher, Miss Amy, had nothing but nice things to say about him. He even had a Kindergarten report card! He's making so much progress and seems to really enjoy learning. (I guess he struggles with "graphs". Yes, graphs. They are actually taking data and graphing it in Kindergarten! Geometry 101) He even likes helping the other kids and is a nurturer (which is unusual for an Autistic child). Nothing makes a mom happier or more proud than to hear nice things about her son! Good job, Buddy!
Next was his first T-ball game. Last year the team was all over the field and quite clumsy. It's amazing the difference a year can make. He has great coaches that are very supportive and positive towards all of the boys. Colin's attention span isn't the greatest, but he's really improved on focusing in on what's happening on the field. Although it is T-ball, they are pitching to the kids, and Colin got a nice hit into right field. His coach was so proud of his game tonight, he gave him the game ball. WOO HOO! GO #11!

Colin informed me before the game that 30 of his Care Bear friends would be coming to the game. Colin seems to attribute his great game to the Care Bears. After the game, our family, and probably all of the Care Bears, went to Johnny Rocket's to celebrate. The waitress made a funny face out of ketchup into a bowl for the kids. Colin really enjoyed smiling back and talking to his-it was quite entertaining.
First was his parent-teacher conference. His teacher, Miss Amy, had nothing but nice things to say about him. He even had a Kindergarten report card! He's making so much progress and seems to really enjoy learning. (I guess he struggles with "graphs". Yes, graphs. They are actually taking data and graphing it in Kindergarten! Geometry 101) He even likes helping the other kids and is a nurturer (which is unusual for an Autistic child). Nothing makes a mom happier or more proud than to hear nice things about her son! Good job, Buddy!
Next was his first T-ball game. Last year the team was all over the field and quite clumsy. It's amazing the difference a year can make. He has great coaches that are very supportive and positive towards all of the boys. Colin's attention span isn't the greatest, but he's really improved on focusing in on what's happening on the field. Although it is T-ball, they are pitching to the kids, and Colin got a nice hit into right field. His coach was so proud of his game tonight, he gave him the game ball. WOO HOO! GO #11!
Colin informed me before the game that 30 of his Care Bear friends would be coming to the game. Colin seems to attribute his great game to the Care Bears. After the game, our family, and probably all of the Care Bears, went to Johnny Rocket's to celebrate. The waitress made a funny face out of ketchup into a bowl for the kids. Colin really enjoyed smiling back and talking to his-it was quite entertaining.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sympathy anyone?
I haven't been sleeping so well lately. I blame the mattress. Most of my growing up years I had a water bed, and I think that spoiled me. I just really enjoy a nice, soft bed. Finally, today I decided to splurge and buy a memory foam mattress pad. I did my research, read reviews, and price checked.
As I was getting ready to leave, Blake walked out dressed like this:

It was adorable! He had on Colin's cleats and hat for t-ball, and dad's jacket. He had done it all himself as well.
I redressed him and we were off. I found the mattress pad for $70 at Target. Not TOO bad of a splurge, and worth the rest I was hoping to get. We get home and I open the package to let the memory foam expand for a few hours on top of my bed.
The boys had been fighting all evening, but they were finally getting along and quietly watching a movie in our room. I had decided to clean up the bathroom and reorganize the drawers, etc. Not too long into organizing, Blake walks by with a screw driver. My MIL sees him and follows him to our room. Next I hear, "Karissa! Oh my gosh! Don't come in here! OH MY GOSH!"
I run in to see this:

My new purchase had been cut into A LOT of little pieces. I couldn't speak. Colin played the blame game, but I knew he had done it. He loves a good pair of scissors. He even tried blaming the dog once blaming Blake didn't work. I have never had him lie to my face-but tonight he did. He finally fessed up and both went to bed knowing Mom was pretty angry. Colin got pretty upset when I told him I was going to go cut his favorite blanket into pieces!
After assessing the damage and realizing there was NO way I was going to be able to piece this thing back together, I've found some light at the end of this tunnel. I've always wanted one of those REALLY expensive Love Saks. Now I can make one! I'll just cut up the rest of this thing and use it to stuff my new chair. It might be smaller than I'd like, but I just need something to put this thing to use.
My only problem-how do I make one?! If anyone is willing to make one for me, or work with me to show me how, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm not even sure which fabric would be best. I'll buy everything and get an evening or morning away from the family for a private lesson if need be-I just need help in making my lemons into lemonade. Ü
Thanks for lending your shoulders to cry on. ♥
As I was getting ready to leave, Blake walked out dressed like this:
It was adorable! He had on Colin's cleats and hat for t-ball, and dad's jacket. He had done it all himself as well.
I redressed him and we were off. I found the mattress pad for $70 at Target. Not TOO bad of a splurge, and worth the rest I was hoping to get. We get home and I open the package to let the memory foam expand for a few hours on top of my bed.
The boys had been fighting all evening, but they were finally getting along and quietly watching a movie in our room. I had decided to clean up the bathroom and reorganize the drawers, etc. Not too long into organizing, Blake walks by with a screw driver. My MIL sees him and follows him to our room. Next I hear, "Karissa! Oh my gosh! Don't come in here! OH MY GOSH!"
I run in to see this:
My new purchase had been cut into A LOT of little pieces. I couldn't speak. Colin played the blame game, but I knew he had done it. He loves a good pair of scissors. He even tried blaming the dog once blaming Blake didn't work. I have never had him lie to my face-but tonight he did. He finally fessed up and both went to bed knowing Mom was pretty angry. Colin got pretty upset when I told him I was going to go cut his favorite blanket into pieces!
After assessing the damage and realizing there was NO way I was going to be able to piece this thing back together, I've found some light at the end of this tunnel. I've always wanted one of those REALLY expensive Love Saks. Now I can make one! I'll just cut up the rest of this thing and use it to stuff my new chair. It might be smaller than I'd like, but I just need something to put this thing to use.
My only problem-how do I make one?! If anyone is willing to make one for me, or work with me to show me how, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm not even sure which fabric would be best. I'll buy everything and get an evening or morning away from the family for a private lesson if need be-I just need help in making my lemons into lemonade. Ü
Thanks for lending your shoulders to cry on. ♥
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Pirate's Suite...and more!
This week was a great one! Ron had managed to book the Pirates of the Caribbean Suite at the Disneyland Hotel for us and was even nice enough to allow my Grandma to join us. (In case you, like my Grandmother, are wondering how many of these rooms there are....the answer is ONE.) Now don't think we somehow got rich-because we didn't. Ron got the room for $119. This room can go for $2000 a night during the summer!! The door bell sang, "Yo Ho Yo Ho A Pirate's Life For Me!" There were so many cool things about this room! The flat screens were all framed with picture frames, and our remote was touch screen to name a couple. I'll just post a some of my favorite pictures (I took A LOT!).

So we were getting ready to leave our room, when a guy at the elevator says, "Did you guys stay in the Pirate's Suite?! Can I see it?!" That led to him telling us he had once stayed in the Mickey Mouse Penthouse. He offered to show us where it was so we could take a picture by the door. It just so happened that the people that were staying there were outside taking pictures as well! So then they invited all of us in to see that room as well! We traded rooms for a while to take even more pictures. I had always wondered what it looked like!

Hope you enjoyed taking a peek into these fun places. I tried labeling the photos, but it wasn't working out very well-plus they are pretty self explanatory.
So we were getting ready to leave our room, when a guy at the elevator says, "Did you guys stay in the Pirate's Suite?! Can I see it?!" That led to him telling us he had once stayed in the Mickey Mouse Penthouse. He offered to show us where it was so we could take a picture by the door. It just so happened that the people that were staying there were outside taking pictures as well! So then they invited all of us in to see that room as well! We traded rooms for a while to take even more pictures. I had always wondered what it looked like!
Hope you enjoyed taking a peek into these fun places. I tried labeling the photos, but it wasn't working out very well-plus they are pretty self explanatory.
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